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Support Us

Your regular support really helps.

It's our privilege to have provided for some time our ministry of prayer and training free and without charge since, like the NHS, we felt that it should be ‘free at the point of need’. It is a step of enormous faith on behalf of the Trustees, but it was felt that those in need of our ministry are not always in a position to pay for it.

It's our privilege to see Acorn become a ‘National Network of Healing Hubs’, as Hubs become established in different UK locations. Each Hub is an in person presence in their community and is locally led, but nationally resourced; again without charge.

It's our privilege to provide through our regular digital resources access points to Christian ministry and training, all of which are accessible tools to equip and encourage those seeking healing, and those providing healing prayer and ministry, and used by those both inside and outside Acorn’s programme.

Acorn has a very small staff team of a Director and a Director of Operations, as we have sought to use all our resources well, aware that they are often the result of sacrificial giving on behalf of those who support the ministry. Yet, it costs Acorn to provide Training and Ministry online and in-person, and to provide support for the existing hubs and engagement with emergent hubs..

It is absolutely essential to secure increased regular monthly giving, and your regular support means that we can provide accessible ministry and training to everyone.

One of the ways that you can be part of our mission  is to support us financially.


Giving by Stewardship

Click here to give by Stewardship.

Giving by BACS

Our bank details for direct transfers and standing orders are:

Business account name: Acorn Christian Foundation Ltd
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account number: 00007115

If you do use direct transfer, please take care to provide sufficient information so that we can identify it on our bank statement. Thank you.

Giving by Standing Order

Please use our bank details above to set up a standing order with your bank and if you are a tax payer, then you may wish to consider also Gift Aiding the sum. In this way we can reclaim the tax that you have already paid, considerably increasing the value of your gift. Please download the Gift Aid Form and return it.

Post A Gift

You can send us a cheque – payable to Acorn Christian Healing Foundation – to our office:

Acorn Christian,
c/o Emmaus Chartered Accountants, 377-399 London Road, Camberley, GU17 3HL.

If you are UK tax-payer please download and complete a Gift Aid Form.