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The Digital Hub

Need prayer? Nowhere to go? We’re here for you!

We all need someone to stand alongside us in prayer from time to time and perhaps it isn’t easy right now to ask for and receive prayer in a public setting, or even to approach people you already know and trust for help. Maybe you can’t leave the house but can go online? You may not even live in the UK!

Whatever the reason, if you would value receiving online prayer within a secure chat room, the Digital Hub are ready and willing to pray for you. You will be prayed for by two of our team members, who are trained in competent and compassionate prayer ministry, this is a safe place for you to receive prayer. Appointment duration will vary from as little as 15 minutes, to a maximum of 45 minutes.

Please note, you must be over 18 years of age to receive prayer by yourself, otherwise please bring a responsible adult along to the appointment with you.

To book an appointment, please