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Coming At You From Guildford Christian Healing Hub - March 2024

It's with great pleasure to be writing to you following an enriching visit to our Guildford Christian Healing Hub at Guildford Cathedral. 

The team, Coordinated by Lynn Edge and Steve Cooper, were straight into praying for a guest on arrival, as well as for another guest who had heard that the team were in the Cathedral offering prayer. It was encouraging to see people entering such a special building to seek an encounter with God. As well as this, there were a number of people visiting the Cathedral who wondered past the Chapter House (where prayer takes place),  who the team were able to chat to and share Acorn Christian Live with, which was on loop for anyone to see. You can view Acorn Christian Live by searching 'Acorn Christian Healing' on YouTube. 

Why Guildford Cathedral for a Healing Hub? 

We want to put Healing Hubs where people are, and as you may know, Cathedrals have visitors from far and wide. We met a couple visiting the Cathedral after a visit to the Royal Surrey Hospital, which is a 5 minute drive away, as well as tourists visiting the magnificent architecture. People come for different reasons with different needs, and offering a place of prayer in such a building seems fitting and necessary. 

Acorn Healing Hubs often pray for people when they have nowhere else to go; it might be that they aren't part of a local church, they are desperate in that moment, or for whatever reason are not able to connect with a prayerful community of believers. Having a prayerful presence somewhere where people already are makes prayer for healing accessible to all.

We would like to be able to offer this to other Cathedrals, so if you are anything to do with a Cathedral and would like to see regular prayer for healing taking place please

Where else are Healing Hubs offering prayer?

Acorn Healing Hubs meet in venues that are most appropriate for their community needs. So, some meet in a cafe, some in church halls, one Hub plans to start meeting in a wellbeing cafe as part of the services that the cafe can offer, there's a Hub meeting i trn a privately rented room in popular event venue, and another meets in a rented community space in the heart of a housing complex. You can find your nearest Healing Hub here.

Thank you so much for your continued support to Acorn Christian Healing Foundation. We do not charge for events at Acorn, so your donations enable us to provide accessible ministry and training for everyone. We are grateful for the generosity of prayer, finances, and time you provide; God's healing touch is reaching many through Acorn's network of Christian Healing Hubs - thank you. 

You can make a one off or regular donation here.

Next month we will be writing to you from Dorchester Christian Healing Hub. If you'd like to visit any of the Healing Hubs you are most welcome. Check out the dates and locations at your nearest Healing Hub.

